Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Pomelo picking tips for Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節吃文旦 挑柚技巧學三招!

"Happy Mid-Autumn  Moon Festival!" (中秋節快樂)

1. citrus adj. 柑橘的
2. pomelo n. 柚子
3. pulp n. 果肉
4. ripe adj. 成熟
5. wrinkle n.皺紋
6. juicy adj.多汁

The pomelo, scientific name citrus maxima, is a kind of citrus fruit that has been cultivated to produce a variety of strains. Wendan is a type of pomelo, and other kinds include the honey pomelo, peiyu (citrus grandis Osbeck), pink grapefruit and grapefruit. Wendan comes in varieties with red pulp or lime white pulp, depending on where they are grown. Whatever their origin, they are collectively known as “wendan pomelo.” 柚是柑橘類果樹,其學名為Citrus maxima,經育種後有不同的品種,所以文旦是柚子的一種,其他還有蜜柚、白柚、紅柚及葡萄柚等多樣品種;而文旦又會因環境不同而有紅肉與白肉的果實之分,但不管是在台灣哪個產地,通常柚農們泛稱文旦為「文旦柚」。
We should put aside the idea that “bigger is better” when buying wendan pomelos, which are only available in the season around Mid-Autumn Festival. The following are some tips on how to pick the perfect pomelo: 針對中秋節才吃得到的「文旦柚」,在選購時要屏除以往「水果選越大的越好」的觀念,選購時應掌握以下原則:
Tip 1: Bigger bottom, small in size 第一、下盤要穩重,個子要嬌小
“The tumbler principle”: pick the smaller sized wendan pomelos with pointed tip, short neck, and wider bottom. 「不倒翁原則」:建議依小顆的下手,選擇頭尖、頸短、下盤寬的文旦柚。
Pointed tip and short neck means rich pulp and thin rind, and wider bottom means the fruit is riper. However, avoid pomelos that tilt when placed on a table. 頭尖、頸短代表果肉充足皮又薄,底部寬大代表文旦柚越成熟,如果發現放在桌上文旦柚會歪斜,就應避免選購。
Tip 2: Weighty and wrinkled 第二、重量重且呈現皺紋
Juicy pulp is an important factor for the taste of wendan pomelos: weighty pomelos mean juicy pomelos. In addition, if the peel is wrinkled, it means the moisture of the peel has been fully absorbed by the pulp, in which case the fruit will be juicy and full of taste. 多汁的果肉是文旦柚美味的重要因素,重量重代表內含的水分多。另外,如果外皮呈現皺紋,代表柚皮的水分已經被吸收到果肉裡,此時吃起來的口感就會是多汁又飽滿喔!
Tip 3: Color and peel show the ripeness 第三、 顏色、外皮代表熟度
If the pomelo’s peel is yellow, it is ready to eat; if green, it is better to wait until it turns yellow. Next, look out for bumps on the peel: if the peel is smooth and shiny, the fruit is not yet ripe, and it is best to wait before eating it; if the peel is wrinkled and is not very smooth, you know it is ready to eat. 柚子的外觀若是黃色,代表可以直接吃,綠色則是要等一段時間轉為黃色後,口感較佳。再來可以看外皮的顆粒,如果飽滿有光澤,表示尚未成熟,還需久放再吃,若是外皮已經呈現皺褶、沒那麼光滑,就代表可以吃囉!
(Liberty Times, translated by Lin Lee-kai)

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